Friday, March 1, 2013

Bloomberg Businessweek Cover: Blame The Latinos

The cover of  The Great American Housing Rebound is a story about the return of aggressive mortgage lending practices that many economic experts attributed to the last housing bubble resulting in the financial collapse.

Seems like a straight forward story until you look at the cover. Apparently, it’s the Latinos and minorities who are rolling in the money.

This illustration isn’t only inaccurate, racist – it is dangerous because it puts a face to a problem that many people are still struggling through. It gives them a license to take their frustration (sometimes violently) out on a community who are also victims of predatory lending practices.

Here’s a message I shared with the members of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists: Bloomberg Businessweek Cover: Blame The Latinos?

I was interviewed by the New York Times for their article: Magazine Cover Draws Claims of Racism

Here is an Op-Ed I wrote for Fox News Latino:

What do you think of the cover?

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