Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hugo talks about welcoming back members in the communications field: click here -

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hugo4NAHJ: Trabajando Para Ti

Click here to listen to how an NAHJ member says Hugo has helped her in her career:

Friday, June 15, 2012

If the membership fee is will you offset the money lost?

Cesar Arrendono asked:
While we all members could benefit from it, what impact will lowering membership cost ultimately have on NAHJ's programs, activites, functions and staff? NAHJ needs a budget to operate. What other sources of revenue do you think NAHJ could/should explore and will they be enough to offset the difference? Fundraising is a enormous challenge, especially during the current tough times we live in.

My answer:
Hi Cesar.
Fair question.
I have to first begin by answering a question with a question: Is $75 a fair price for what members get in return? Whether it’s $75, $55 or $105 – whatever we ask members to pay…it better be worth it.
Cuts were necessary to help NAHJ keep its head above water (in the financial crisis), but the cuts are deep – they’ve hit the bone.

I know many people don't want to hear it, but NAHJ is not providing enough to justify a $75 membership fee.

Services – NAHJ has a part time staff and as much as they do the best they can…that’s not enough, they need help. Members and sponsors alike have complained about not being able to reach anyone at the national office (figuratively speaking). I’ve heard horror stories of calls and emails being answered weeks later (if at all). You can’t conduct business that way.

Website – that’s every organizations’ calling card...virtual town hall for members to interact with NAHJ's staff, Board and each other. It should be a portal to provide members with job opportunities, for members to provide each other with leads and to showcase their work (similar to what the Latino Multimedia Communicators FB page does well). The website has been reduced to a virtual billboard. NAHJ does a better job of making announcements via social media than on its own website. The website is poorly updated….NAHJ just doesn’t have the resources.

Conferences – There are 8 regional directors. How many conferences have been organized for members (and sponsors)? It’s expensive to go to the annual convention (especially in this economy)…alternatives need to be provided for members year round.

So, I go back to my question: is the $75 membership fee worth it? For many members – the answer is “no”.

Here’s what we need to consider doing – let’s get back to basics.
Members understand that NAHJ needs their financial help, but let’s be fair about it. If we lower the price, I believe more members will come back and renew their membership (that would offset some of the cost in lowering the price). NAHJ needs to expand to include professionals in the communications field (many who were journalists, but were forced out because of the poor economy). By welcoming them, we will increase the number of NAHJ's members (again offsetting the reduction of membership fees).

Cutting is a short term solution to getting in the black (and in this case – necessary), but we need to invest again (specifically in staff and website). If we improve services and produce a website that is of value to members (recruiters and sponsors) – we’ll be able to grow revenue by driving traffic, placing ads and providing virtual training opportunities. Members would consider paying more for valuable training.

We have to rethink the annual convention….for the next several years – we’re going to need to consider partnering with other Latino journalism and communication associations in providing members engaging conventions that NAHJ can afford and that sponsors see a benefit in investing.

 I think we’re going to have to consider mega conferences  in the West, Midwest and East to generate revenue and draw more members (to a convention/conference).  As a former regional director and chapter founder, I can tell you conferences (when done right) work in generating revenue.

You’re asking the right question and it is my intention to spend a great part of my campaign proposing ideas that will continue to assist NAHJ in rising from the financial crisis. But I can’t do it alone….NAHJ is our association. I want to hear other ideas out there (from members, sponsors, associations). We need to draw from the well of experience to come up with strategies that will assist NAHJ now and well into the future.

Thank you for your question - Hugo

Monday, June 11, 2012

Balta NAHJ Campaign Talking Points

Thank you once again, for all the support during the nomination process.

Now that the campaigning is about to begin, my pledge is to focus on the issues most important to you. l commit to outlining a shared positive vision for NAHJ because it's not just about the ideas of one person or a small group of people, it's about all of us - We, the members of the National Association Of Hispanic Journalists.

Some of the topics I would like to talk with you about in the coming weeks are:


What is NAHJ's financial situation? Is it in the black by $100k+ or not? What is the $70k dispute with Disney and how does it affect NAHJ's reputation? Why hasn't the financial report been released yet? Per NAHJ's bylaws, they must be made public. If I'm elected President, I'll make sure our organization's financials are released on a timely manner.

Achieving profitability by making cuts is a short term, band-aid solution to a long term problem. While we must continue to make conservative decisions on spending, it should not be at the cost of core services to members and sponsors.

We need to grow again and create new revenue streams from a position of strength. For example, companies are hiring recruiting agencies to help them find qualified Latino candidates. They should be working with NAHJ to help them with their recruiting efforts.

As an experienced manager, I promise to help find effective solutions that will restore NAHJ's financial footing, credibility and visibility in the media industry.


We need to return to the fundamentals of NAHJ.  We need to stand up for and champion in favor of Latino journalists in the workplace.

Hispanics are the largest minority in the country, but they're not represented in the newsrooms. Let's get our parity efforts back on track. Let's improve networking and help members get jobs, access to mentors and training, and not just at the convention, but year round.

We need a functioning website where members can interact with NAHJ's leadership, staff and one another - sharing ideas, concerns, job opportunities and to showcase their work.


NAHJ leadership needs to be clear and inclusive in the decision-making by allowing members to voice their opinions and participate in the process.

Members should be welcomed to join board meetings and the “minutes” that reflect the board's business should be available on the NAHJ website.

We need an open door policy for members to feel their voices are heard and respected.  We win or lose together. Unidos hacemos la fuerza.

Student members currently represent the majority of NAHJ's membership. They are the future of NAHJ. We need to develop year round mentoring programs that partner students and entry level members with experienced veterans.

Massive journalism cutbacks have ousted many or our dedicated members, some lifetime members from the industry. They may now be working in the public relations or communications field, but they're still journalists at heart. Let's welcome them back home and get them a seat at the table. This isn't the time to segregate, but unify NAHJ. Their experience will help the association cover new relevant ground and with it, new members.

Aquí también se habla el Español. La Associacion de Periodistas Hispanos no es solamente para los latinos en los medios de inglés.

Tenemos que ofrecer mas servicios, oportunidades de empleo y mas apoyo a los miembros que trabajan en medios en español.

It's not just about my ideas. I challenge you to share with me what you think needs to be done to help NAHJ succeed. I promise to give our members a voice as we rebuild NAHJ.

Together we will restore leadership, trust and pride.

I'm asking for your help and your vote to become NAHJ’s next president.